“An Orthodox community where people find transformation in Jesus Christ.”

Worship - Service - Community - Education


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love on another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."
~John 13.34

This passage from the Gospel of St. John speaks of the commandment to love. It identifies this attribute as the one that best identifies a true disciple of Christ.

It has been said that love requires another. That love can only exist when there is a communion of persons. It is our desire, to fashion along with all of you, a community of love. Our hope is that we demonstrate our love for one another and thereby prove to be God's true disciples.

We pray that the commandment to love one another is made more possible by this effort.

This website is meant for all who desire transformation. It is our hope that your visit begins to foster a building of a relationship of love with our community and our Lord Jesus Christ. We would be honored to have you join us in worship and invite you to explore the information on this site in the hope of better understanding our Orthodox community and the many wonderful ministries of our parish.

When you visit, we welcome you to join us in fellowship after the service. If you would like to learn more about our church community, we encourage you to contact us.

“An Orthodox community where people find transformation in Jesus Christ.”

Worship - Service - Community - Education

Sunday Morning - 8:30 Orthros | 9:30 Divine Liturgy

810st Avenue Bayard, NE 69334 | | 308-586-1926