“An Orthodox community where people find transformation in Jesus Christ.”

Worship - Service - Community - Education

Living Faith Post Test 2

Test Post Two - LF
November 01, 2023

- Nolan Brown -

This is just a sample post to make sure everything is setup properly in the system and ready for real content to be created. This is just a sample post to make sure everything is setup properly in the system and ready for real content to be created. This is just a sample post to make sure everything is setup properly in the system and ready for real content to be created. This is just a sample post to make sure everything is setup properly in the system and ready for real content to be created. This is just a sample post to make sure everything is setup properly in the system and ready for real content to be created. This is just a sample post to make sure everything is setup properly in the system and ready for real content to be created. This is just a sample post to make sure everything is setup properly in the system and ready for real content to be created. 

Nolan Brown has served as a Sunday school teacher, altar server, chanter, and Parish Council member at St. Spyridon Orthodox Church in Loveland, Colorado with his wife Am...[more]
“An Orthodox community where people find transformation in Jesus Christ.”

Worship - Service - Community - Education

Sunday Morning - 8:30 Orthros | 9:30 Divine Liturgy

810st Avenue Bayard, NE 69334 | | 308-586-1926


Nolan Brown has served as a Sunday school teacher, altar server, chanter, and Parish Council member at St. Spyridon Orthodox Church in Loveland, Colorado with his wife Amanda and their children. He is the founder of Parish Life Ministries, an network of Orthodox parishes working together to share the life of the Church as the light of the world.